- Number of parts: 630
- Number of unique parts: 166
- Minifigs: 1 (unique to this set)
- Colors: Black, Brick Yellow, Bright Blue, Bright Bluish Green, Bright Green, Bright Red, Bright Yellow, Bright Yellowish Green, Dark Brown, Dark Stone Grey, Light Nougat, Medium Blue, Medium Stone Grey, Reddish Brown, Transparent Red, Transparent Yellow, Warm Gold, White
- Build time: 2 hours and 47 minutes
- Year released: 2020
- Designer: Wes Talbot
- Database Links: Bricklink, Brickset
We recently grabbed this LEGO® Harry Potter set in a birthday haul, and we couldn’t be happier with it! We’ve always loved owls, and Hedwig is one of the more striking icons of the Wizarding World. The build was a joy, with a number of interesting techniques, and the movement of the wings when cranked mimics the real-world motion of flapping in flight quite nicely.